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General Discussion / Re: Cool Pic
« Last post by Lines on Yesterday at 18:11 »
Very cool Dave!
General Discussion / Re: Cool Pic
« Last post by ctom on Yesterday at 13:31 »
That is a neat picture. Thanks for sharing.
General Discussion / Cool Pic
« Last post by basscatlildave on Yesterday at 12:49 »
I know it's about baits but I thought it was too neat not to share.
Chicken Hawk by David Middleton, on Flickr
Crappie / Pan Fish Jigs / Re: Tied up a few panfish jigs
« Last post by Shaunm81 on Yesterday at 02:23 »
Those look nice and will do the trick.
General Discussion / Re: Weedless Darter Jig?
« Last post by anyfish on 02/11/25 20:50 UTC »
Thanks.  I have to try the Carolina rig approach.
General Discussion / Re: Weedless Darter Jig?
« Last post by bigjim5589 on 02/09/25 10:07 UTC »
I have the mold, but so far have not used it a lot. It's certainly going to depend on what kinds of weeds/vegetation you try to pull it through, just like with any other lure.

There's stuff in the lake here, it pulls through fine, and we also get that nasty snot grass, and slimy algae and that stuff hangs on everything, regardless of how weedless it's supposed to be.

I like that darter jig as an alternative to a C or T rig, and with small 4" or 6" worms or grubs, were I'm moving them fairly steady and tossing them around the cypress trees.  It might have been a slightly better jig with the hook eye in the tip of the cone, but that would have required a special hook, and the way the molds is, it can be poured with a basic Aberdeen jig hook. I'm not knocking it at all, but I have some Do It Molds, that the hooks are no longer being made, and who knows what might happen down the road.

I also tend to keep molds, and try to make use of them, even if I have to modify them for other hooks that are readily available.  Hopefully, that won't be the case with this mold. 

You can pour a regular darter style jig with it, and probably adding a wire keeper would not be difficult.
Crappie / Pan Fish Jigs / Re: Tied up a few panfish jigs
« Last post by bigjim5589 on 02/09/25 09:50 UTC »
Welcome back!

It's been a few weeks since I've checked in here, but we all have things going on sometimes, that get in the way of what we like to be doing.

Those jigs look great!  ;D
Crappie / Pan Fish Jigs / Re: Tied up a few panfish jigs
« Last post by Les Young on 02/09/25 07:46 UTC »
Nice job. Those will definitely get bit.
Crappie / Pan Fish Jigs / Re: Tied up a few panfish jigs
« Last post by ctom on 02/08/25 11:22 UTC »
Thank you ctom!! It’s definitely an addiction and learning to tie jigs has made it worse!  :o

And it keeps getting worse. lol
Crappie / Pan Fish Jigs / Re: Tied up a few panfish jigs
« Last post by NAC89 on 02/08/25 11:22 UTC »
Those look really great. I would have trouble picking which to try first, because they will all be killers.
Great work, Welcome back!
Thank you Lines!! You definitely have the choosing which one to try first as being difficult right lol
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