Author Topic: In the dark....  (Read 3823 times)

Offline ctom

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In the dark....
« on: 11/24/23 14:26 UTC »
Our backwater location was hit hard by this spring's flooding on the Mississippi, but we found we can get to where we found the spring fish with the boat. The bite window has been so ridiculous narrow that we started fishing well before sunrise. Of course, fishing in total darkness creates some challenges with seeing the floats but I painted a few up with white tops and given a shot of regular glow-in-the-dark pigment or mainly white with less of the yellow and orange showing. Since we're only about 15 feet away this has worked pretty slick.

With the water level and water temperature dropping quickly keeping the jig/plastic where the fish are is imperative. The crappies, especially those big suckers, are very depth specific right now and without a float to keep things within their strike range fishing would be far less productive since these fish have shown they're not in the mood to chase. Last fall the water was too high, this year low and getting lower. Keeping the jig at the level the fish are hitting with a float has been the norm now and adding some glow or extra white so the float can be seen has saved us big time. Many of our fish seem to be just nosing up to the plastic and gently sucking it in, hardly making any notice even with the float. Been a weird bite this fall and having to start in the dark has compounded the detection problem until some glow was added.

The float on the right has the glow.
« Last Edit: 11/24/23 14:30 UTC by ctom »
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Offline Fishermanbt

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Re: In the dark....
« Reply #1 on: 11/25/23 02:49 UTC »
That is pretty slick Tom. Awhile back I ordered some blue and green glow powder from china to try on some plastics and jig heads. Upon receiving I noticed the telltale sign that customs had been doing their job well. Extra tape on the outside of the padded envelope and both packets had been punctured by a testing probe checking for illegal narcotics. I’m sure I’m on a governmental list now.

Offline ctom

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Re: In the dark....
« Reply #2 on: 11/25/23 07:35 UTC »
How does you green and blue glow work? I ordered some purple glow from an Asian source and the stuff was about as fine as gravel. The purple glow from domestic sources has always been very fine and easy to work with.
There are good ships
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and may they
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Offline Fishermanbt

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Re: In the dark....
« Reply #3 on: 11/25/23 17:57 UTC »
It is fine enough to go through an Iwata Neo airbrush mixed with clear createx and heavy reducer. Still pretty gritty mixing them all together. In plastic it worked the best. Again, gritty mixing it in the cup and settled fast.

Offline ctom

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Re: In the dark....
« Reply #4 on: 11/25/23 18:12 UTC »
can you find the site you ordered from back and pm me the link or are there too many sites to go back thru?
There are good ships
and wood ships
ships that sail the sea
but the best ships are friendships
and may they
always be ......An Irish Toast

Offline Fishermanbt

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Re: In the dark....
« Reply #5 on: 11/26/23 08:40 UTC »
Pm sent.