Tom, I had resisted for a long time using the various synthetic hairs, because most I had tried were not very good, not much movement and the fibers can tend to tangle.
I use all kinds of natural hairs, and now some of the synthetics like these craft furs are way better than those I had first attempted using. For now, I have a decent supply of bucktails, but they're getting very expensive! As long as I can get them, I'll use it, and I don't see any good alternatives, but we'll see how that goes.
I've learned through all this, that it's not a good idea to be too close minded.
Folks have their preferences, and I do too for a lot of things, but am more willing now to try new to me materials for both flies & jigs.
A lot of tying jigs is just a carry over from tying flies for me anyway.
The seller on Etsy that I have bought the longer fiber craft fur from is BabyMaddiePropShop, and she sells it in different quantities. There's some others on there too, but I like the longer fur she has.
I've bought a lot of it and should tie with it more!