Author Topic: Craft Fur jigs  (Read 796 times)

Offline ctom

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Craft Fur jigs
« on: 12/19/24 14:58 UTC »
I was bored the other day so I cast some of the original tear frop heads and tied up some craft fur jigs. Bucktail still seems to reign supreme but this artificial hair works great too and with more action than the hair.

« Last Edit: 12/19/24 15:00 UTC by ctom »
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Offline Apdriver

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #1 on: 12/19/24 15:49 UTC »
Nice looking ties, Tom.

Offline Fatman

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #2 on: 12/19/24 19:15 UTC »
Nice!!  Love the craft fur!!  I actually have lots of it!!

Offline basscatlildave

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #3 on: 12/20/24 06:43 UTC »
They look great

Offline bigjim5589

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #4 on: 12/21/24 06:55 UTC »
Wow! Tom, those are some great lookin jigs!

No black?  ;D

I haven't been tying with craft fur as much as I should. I too have a bunch of it, and have found some longer fiber type on Etsy.  :D

I had been using the tube & tail jigs for tying them, for my guide friend who uses them for Peacock Bass, but may need to dig out my tear drop mold!

Offline Muskygary

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #5 on: 12/21/24 07:30 UTC »
To all you guys, your jigs look super! I tie mainly with bucktail or congo hair. Going to have to buy some craft fur!

Offline ctom

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #6 on: 12/21/24 08:44 UTC »
Those are some fine looking jigs Jim! I like the longer hair on those of yours and that magic marker stripe trick makes those really pop. Around here we're seeing much of our rivers being covered with ice now, but below a couple of the dams on the Mississippi where the water stays open year-round the bucktail type of jigs pick up in popularity. The craft fur has its place in the box now. Some people like them a lot because of the more vivid colors you can find but newer dying processes can fire up the bucktails and they too can be a stellar bait in the cold season. Some people won't use the fur jigs and will, only use bucktail. Personally, I prefer bucktail, but I still carry and use these fur jigs simply because they off far more action with less work on my part to impart it and if fishing current and bulk comes into play with lighter heads, the fur steps right up to the task. They're way less bulky than bucktail when wet..
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Offline bigjim5589

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Re: Craft Fur jigs
« Reply #7 on: 12/21/24 12:18 UTC »
Tom, I had resisted for a long time using the various synthetic hairs, because most I had tried were not very good, not much movement and the fibers can tend to tangle.

I use all kinds of natural hairs, and now some of the synthetics like these craft furs are way better than those I had first attempted using. For now, I have a decent supply of bucktails, but they're getting very expensive! As long as I can get them, I'll use it, and I don't see any good alternatives, but we'll see how that goes.

I've learned through all this, that it's not a good idea to be too close minded.

Folks have their preferences, and I do too for a lot of things, but am more willing now to try new to me materials for both flies & jigs.

A lot of tying jigs is just a carry over from tying flies for me anyway.

The seller on Etsy that I have bought the longer fiber craft fur from is BabyMaddiePropShop, and she sells it in different quantities. There's some others on there too, but I like the longer fur she has.

I've bought a lot of it and should tie with it more!  ;D