Author Topic: Salt Guys  (Read 3998 times)


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Salt Guys
« on: 05/24/18 23:26 UTC »
Check out Kodiak Custom lures
May your days be filled with sun shine and you always have a tight line. AMEN

Offline Kasilofchrisn

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #1 on: 06/03/18 22:21 UTC »
They are made just a few miles from me in Soldotna Alaska.
They work ok but colors and sizes are very limited in the one saltwater jig that Tony makes.
It would be super easy to copy too.
It's just a piece of round bar with each end cut at a 45*angle. Then line tie eyes are soldered on and they are powder painted the one color he offers. He does offer 4 different skirt colors and 4 sizes
He also makes a lot of different salmon and pike spinners for freshwater fishing.

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #2 on: 06/04/18 11:43 UTC »
I say it on a fishing show and wondered if anyone had seen it before.
May your days be filled with sun shine and you always have a tight line. AMEN

Offline Kasilofchrisn

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #3 on: 06/04/18 20:59 UTC »
Well I've definitely seen them.
Met Tony Davis the owner a few times.
Even tried to help him out in getting a custom mold made to improve his lures but I guess it just didn't work out.
I actually made him one of my lures a couple of years ago.
I was giving him a hard time at a big sportsmans show as he was losing customers to not having big enough jigs(his biggest is 14oz).
So I made him one of my 48 oz bullet heads.
It sure is fun catching AK saltwater fish on jigs that's for sure!

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #4 on: 06/04/18 23:05 UTC »
Jigs are what I catch the most fish on.
May your days be filled with sun shine and you always have a tight line. AMEN

Offline Lamar

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #5 on: 06/05/18 05:27 UTC »
Jigs are what I catch the most fish on.

 Yea but not 48 oz ones


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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #6 on: 06/05/18 05:40 UTC »
Hear that Lamar haven’t fished more than 21’ in 25 year wreck fished once when in Florida.
May your days be filled with sun shine and you always have a tight line. AMEN

Offline Kasilofchrisn

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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #7 on: 06/05/18 12:53 UTC »
It Isn't So Much the depth as it is the tides.
When you have the world's second highest tides (Cook Inlet AK)you have to have jigs that will still reach the bottom where many of our fish species live.
When the fish get big and 100 pound fish are not uncommon but the tide runs hard and you're fishing deeper than 150 ft you need a jig that will get down there and get the job done.
Of course we often times try to fish when the tides are mild in areas where the water isnt as deep but work schedules and weather often times dictate where and when we can fish.
When you're fishing for bottom-dwelling fish if you can't reach the bottom with your presentation, well, you're just not going to catch them.


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Re: Salt Guys
« Reply #8 on: 06/05/18 13:48 UTC »
Hear yeah on Work and weather as far as were and how you can catch your target fish. I really like seeing and hear how people fish in areas around the world.
May your days be filled with sun shine and you always have a tight line. AMEN