Author Topic: Psychedelic Mushroom  (Read 2184 times)

Offline BobTheBeast007

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Psychedelic Mushroom
« on: 09/10/21 23:15 UTC »
This color was inspired by a zoom color that I’ve forgotten the name of and have only seen once, a few years ago at Bass Pro they had an endcap of trick worms and lizards in nothing but a color very similar to this (based on memory as I have no sample or picture to go off of). I thought it was a weird color but still bought it and to my surprise it caught more fish than any other color in my bag but because of that they baits were quick to go and I had no replacements for them and have yet to see this color in any store since. All that being said, I call it psychedelic mushroom because I don’t remember it’s actual name and that’s what my Granpa called it when we were using them. Enough of the back story here’s the recipe

4 cups plastic
30 drops neon blue
20 drops neon purple
1/2 tsp ea. .008 grape and .040 blue
1/4 tsp holographic flake

P.S If anyone knows what color this actually is I would love the name cause I’d like to try and get a perfect color match to the zoom color (I’ve looked a few times for it but I might just not be doing a very good job looking)

Offline S.F.W

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Re: Psychedelic Mushroom
« Reply #1 on: 09/11/21 08:05 UTC »
If you go to there is a tab (top right) for all of their colors. You can see Active Colors / Special Colors / Retired Colors on this page. Many of them have pictures, but some of the special and retired colors have no pics. You may find it there.
« Last Edit: 09/11/21 08:08 UTC by S.F.W »

Offline Fishermanbt

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Re: Psychedelic Mushroom
« Reply #2 on: 09/11/21 11:40 UTC »
I found 2 on that are somewhat close.


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Re: Psychedelic Mushroom
« Reply #3 on: 09/14/21 19:21 UTC »
Awesome match to me the fish will let yup know.
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