Hey Josh...I haven't purchased any vises in quite some time, but there are a number of vises available for less than $100. I'd suggest you get a rotary type vise. That's where you can turn the fly over while it is still clamped in the vise. Regal would be a good choice, but a little more costly than others.
If you've got money to burn, I'd suggest what's called a "true rotary" vise. That's a type vise where the hook shank rotates on it's own axis. Renzetti, Abel, and Dyna King are all good names. ( A friend once told me that the Abel was featured in The Sound Of Music. "Huh" says I. And he starts singing "Abelvise, Abelvise". I hope you're old enough to remember The Sound Of Music otherwise this won't make any sense to you at all.)
In my opinion, a really cool vise is the Nor-Vise. I use it for both large and small flies. Google it I'm sure there's a video on it.
Like I said, I haven't been in the vice buying market for a long time. You might want to try EBay or Craig's List for some deals. Good fly shops will have a variety of vises, but you'll pay top dollar for them.
If all else fails, clamp your hook in a pair of vise grips and clamp the vice grips on your bench top vise. Been there, done that.
Hope this helps.