Its a real task getting from the white primed blank to what you see. The forward half of the bait got pearl pineapple. The back half got pearl lime with some transparent brown mixed in to tone the bright down some. I used transparent brown that was thinned down to about water consistency and sprayed it thru some web cloth across the upper sides and sides, then more brown transparent is added to the thinned paint and the side bars are done by spraying thru a fine comb. To the transparent brown I added a tiny bit of transparent green and sprayed the backs, feathering down part way on the sides. I saved this brown /green to finish. The belly got a couple passes of opaque white, then the white got some sky blue to do the gill covers. The white on the belly got a couple passes of real thin transparent yellow and the foreword portion of the yellow belly got a touch, not much, of pearl tangerine. To the saved brown/green I added a healthy shot of bronze hi lite powder [the same stuff used in plastic injection], a good dose of reducer and then transparent black, just enough black to swing the color away from what had been sprayed on the back and side feather and gave the back and sides a couple of thin coats, heat setting between the coats.
There's a ton of wash outs and tip/needle changes in there too. I heat set every color. The entire bait is dunked in seal Coat after adding the eyes. The eyes are 3mm.
I' grab a picture of the web fabris I use and post it in a few minutes.ll