I have not Gary. I have two identical 6' ultralights I built a bunch of years ago and have 750 series Saharas on them, both spooled with Clam Frost #3 line. The rods are rated 1/64 to 3/32 ounce and these little blades work really nice on them. I use these rods expressedly for vertical jigging dock pilings in Mississippi River marinas in late fall/early winter and again in the very early spring immediately after ice out and these small blades along with Z-Vibers and 1/32 heads with plastics or Gulp baits get the majority of the fish. Last spring I caught quite a few 13"-14" crappies on the small blades. Hoping to do it again on FRiday.
On another note, we got to the lake today to find the water had taken a 14 degree drop in two days. Lots of bottom scum on the surface so a turn-over took place and shut the fishing down big time. We gave it from sun up until 9 in 21 to 27 degree air temps. Chilly one on the water for sure. No wind until about 8:45 and that sort of spelled the end for the morning.