Author Topic: Saltwater hooks for Teardrop jig with wire keeper  (Read 3749 times)

Offline Cobia

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Looking for saltwater hooks that fits jig mold JT-5-WBA & JT-7-WBA Teardrop jigs with wire keeper. Been searching for days on the internet with no luck. I have both mold and used the hooks the molds specs. The problem is the saltwater destroys the hooks. I just want them to hold up. These jigs with Zman ElaZteck Streakz 5" are great for False Albacore fishing off the Jersey coast in the fall. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Offline Cobia

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Re: Saltwater hooks for Teardrop jig with wire keeper
« Reply #2 on: 10/30/18 16:32 UTC »
Thanks, but I have those style of hooks but the eyes are to big and the mold dose not close properly.

Offline 21xdc

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Re: Saltwater hooks for Teardrop jig with wire keeper
« Reply #3 on: 10/30/18 17:23 UTC »
It's very easy to drill the hole out just a touch bigger and deeper... Then fill the hole up with red rtv silicone over full and let dry. Then cut it flush with mold. Then you can use any hook w/o any flash.. Pouring your own with a modified mold is what it's all about....